One of Eddie Bowen's favorite paintings

Photo courtesy the artist.

Trinidad 'cross-over' artist Eddie Bowen calls this one of his favorite paintings. It's called 'Ghost of Carnival' (2009) and was shown in a select exhibition of work that opened on April 22 at 29 Syndenham Avenue, St Ann's Port of Spain.

Bowen lists his inspirations as: "the Great Pyramid at Giza, my dad, Leonardo da Vinci, Durer, Ghiberti, Michaelangelo, Shakespeare, living in Trinidad, the Bhagavad Gita, the study of Yoga since 1993, the Psalms, Egyptology, sci-fi, cricket, sacred/ancient architecture, teaching, questions arising from skeptical, objective, analytical, spiritual and speculative enquiry into mankind’s history and evolution, painting, growing trees (the oxygen machines),'outsider' art, world affairs - the environment, Cydonia, architecture."

FIND out more about Bowen at his website here.

From 'The Rock Machines' by Eddie Bowen (c) 1997

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