Into the Woods...

Into The Woods Today is an interactive exhibition being held in the Trapezium Gallery, curated by 2nd year Diploma of Fine arts students. The exhibition plays with the idea of childhood memories, and includes a forest of fun and quirky drawings, a huge nursery rhyme-themed artwork, even a tea party! All are invited to come to the show and create their own drawings using a Mr. Squiggle-type sheet of paper and add them onto the walls to help bring the trees to life! A large continuous drawing covering 3 of the gallery walls is also open for your own touch of creativity, quotes from fairytales and nursery rhymes are there to help guide you as you add to the drawing with art materials like the ones you’d remember from primary school.

Into the Woods Today will have a closing tea party on Thursday 2nd September, and is open to the public from 26th August –3rd September. The Trapezium Gallery is open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm, so come along, grab a crayon or a coloured pencil and have some fun!

Running alongside Into The Woods Today is NEWS FLASH, a mixed media installation reflecting on the artist Arnold Freen's childhood memories of Marilyn Monroe. The NEWS FLASH exhibition will be open for viewing in the Glassspace cabinet at the entrance to P block and adjacent to the Trapezium gallery from 21/08 - to 02/09. The installation focuses on Marilyn Monroe and flashes of her brief candle in the wind existence.

For enquiries contact Regina Cooper on 02 9208 9484.

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