Alicia's site



Alicia says of 1): 

This body of work was specifically created for the joint show Line and Colour at the Gallery, Caribbean Art Project in Grenada.The work continues to explore ideas about the box, introduced in previous works. I am very interested in the physical and mental boxes we allow ourselves to be in. Shifting from the idea that they are imposed by others and acknowledging that they are to a great extent self inflicted. I find myself constantly considering being in and out of these boxes. 

Of 2):

This project stemmed from an interest in using the human body to make art; the body as the medium of the work as opposed to the maker of the work. I began an inquiry into my body and the ways I was comfortable and uncomfortable using it. The core issues (for me) that impact ones comfort level in exposing the body inevitably surfaced (to my dissatisfaction). These issues are what gave the work it's strength. There are strong references to family and religion and for me they are heavily intertwined. It brought into question what is and isn't allowed.

SEE her new website here (or click on picture below).

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