Ahh, I can see the questionmarks on your faces, at least if you aren't from Saxony. Motschekiebchen is a saxonian term for the Marienkäfer whose english name is ladybug. I took this picture on the bank at Chris and my favourite part of our usual cycling round.
This little ladybug was really fast on his legs, I took like 30 pictures (digital!) and from them the Motschekiebchen was only in 2 or 3 in focus. But those pictures look nice nonetheless.
Today I wanted to attend a digital photography class at the adult education center. Not that I really need it, but I figured that I would maybe learn a few new tricks, especially for GIMP. At the moment I still need ages to do anything in this program. (In case you are wondering now: I'm a photographer not an editor! Editing is fine and I'm glad that it is now so much easier than when it had to be done without digital help. However I think sometimes the editors go way over the top.) Unfortunately the class was canceled due to low registration numbers. :( Well, I'll take a look on the summer courses, maybe there is something interesting. Like drawing cubism (which is also quite taxing) or calligraphy.
I wish you all a wonder- and peaceful weekend.
I wish you all a wonder- and peaceful weekend.