
2nd yr Diploma of Fine Arts student Janet Reinhardt will be exhibiting in Balmain at The Watchhouse over the break. The show will only be up for the weekend of the 8th/9th (opening on the 7th) so mark your calendars! Details below...

The Watchhouse, 179 Darling Street, Balmain
An exhibition of Prints and New Media
Featuring the work of video artists John Bennett and John Laidler,
and the prints and digital work of Janet Reinhardt and Bronwyn Rodden
8th – 9th October 2011, 10am to 5pm daily
Opening 6pm Friday, October 7th – All welcome

In this exhibition four artists explore the issue of separations in terms of both our alienation from our own nature and origins as well as our increasing alienation from the natural world. The video installations are really found poems, which address three main areas; the uneasy Brownian motion of airports, the natural environment and our cultural past. The prints and digital work examine both the beauty of the natural environment and man’s ephemeral and sometimes uncomfortable existence within this natural context.

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