Jo Ernsten opens Bruni Guenther-Tsapilis's exhibition

Natalie Smith - gallery owner, Jo Ernsten - guest speaker, Bruni Guenther-Tsapilis - featured artist

NADC Fine Arts teacher Jo Ernsten gave the opening address at Bruni Guenther-Tsapilis's exhibition  at Sassafras Creek Gallery  on  Saturday 26th November. Bruni has recently completed the Advanced Diploma of Fine Art at NADC, majoring in printmaking. As Bruni's printmaking teacher, Jo was able to talk knowledgeably about Bruni's approach to her themes and their relationship to contemporary practice.

Apart from being a great show it is also an excellent gallery space with good food and stunning views over Sydney basin from its back deck - definitely worth a look! Open until February.

Late  applications are currently being accepted for the Advanced Diploma of Fine Arts for 2012. For more information, ring the Fine Arts Head Teacher on ph 9208 9513.

Jo Ernsten, Bruni Guenther - Tsapilis

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