FREE courses for beginning students in painting and drawing
drawing produced in evening class, 2011
This semester, we are offering a painting and drawing class, which will run on Mondays from 9am-4pm for 18 weeks, commencing February 6. The course is suitable for those seeking an introductory course in painting and drawing with a view to further study in fine arts. As well as developing foundation skills in observational painting and drawing, the course will teach various basic computer and study skills.
A course information leaflet for this enrolment (course number 10443) can be found here.
If you are interested in a place, it is strongly recommended that you register for the course online.
Once registered, you will need to attend an information session on Monday January 30 at 10am in room P121 to confirm and complete your enrolment.
Should you have any difficulty in registering online, please call the fine arts Head Teacher on ph 9208 9513 during business hours.
Our other part-time study option for intro courses is a beginners painting course, which runs on Wednesday evenings from 6pm-9pm for 18 weeks commencing Wednesday the 8th of February.
A course information leaflet for this enrolment (course number 10442) can be found here.
PLEASE NOTE: On our course info page this is currently listed as a drawing course, however it is a painting course. Details to be updated asap. Within this course the basics of drawing as they relate to painting will also be covered.
If you are interested in securing a place, it is strongly recommended that you register for the course here.
To complete and confirm your enrolment, you will need to attend an information session at the College on Wednesday February 1 at 6pm in room P121.
Should you have any difficulty in registering online, please call the fine arts Head Teacher on ph 9208 9513 during business hours.
Details on how to find us at NADC can be found here.