Threshold crossed

I've been planning to make big drawings (A4, A3 and so forth) for about one year now. However while I wanted too and bought the big paper I never truly felt comfortable drawing big. I have my easel and the A2 paper for 3 months now, but I never used it. Instead I went back to smaller formats, postcards and maybe 20x20 cm. They were feeling safe and being fast. (I'm sooooo impatient.)

Today I finally went into the other direction while drawing I switched from postcard size to 20x20 cm to A2 and back to 30x30 cm. And it felt great to finally draw big, like letting lose, essentially it felt like freedom.

I've also decided that 2012 I will concentrate on drawing by hand. Why does this matter? Well, during the last two weeks I've stocked up on technology and frankly I was tempted to also get a graphic tablet like the Wacom Bamboo, and I started pondering the question of which graphic software I should get this year. Just a few minutes ago I realized that I was falling into my old behaviour, falling into the old traps.
I was so occupied with the future that I forgot the present. And at the moment I need my focus to be on my drawing skills, which frankly are underdeveloped. I have a certain vision for what my style is or, more exactly, of what I want it to be, however I simply lack the necessary drawing skills to get even close to the pictures that I want to create.

So right here and now I stop, take a deep breath, take a look around and focus on the next step that I take. Here and now are most important. To build my castle in the sky I have to start where I am. Learning to draw properly.

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