Book Discussion at the Kollaborat, 12. April 2012

The Kollaborat*

Last Thursday evening a small group of creative people gathered in a shop in Leipzigs neighboorhood Stötteritz to discuss THE BOOK: “Zustand und Zukunft krea­ti­ver Arbeit in Leip­zig – LE Klub Ana­log”. The shop is the office space of the Kollaborat, which consists of the two Designers Jakob Gleisberg and Hendrik Möller.

Discussing the books development

Hendrik (far left) and Jakob (far right) were the designers of the book (who'd have thought?!) and told us about the process, the certain choices for type faces and papers. (Interestingly enough, the font-types used in the book are font-types created from designers from Leipzig and they are very cool font-types if you ask me. Yeees, I'm biased in this matter.) It was interesting to hear how the project evolved.

I've asked them for their thoughts on individuality for this post and here is what Jakob wrote me:

»Individualität bedeutet einen eigenen Anspruch zu haben. Keine Standard-Lösungen aus einer Schublade zu ziehen. Die Problemstellung gut zu kennen und eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung zu suchen. Es heißt nicht besonders extravagant zu sein und das Besondere zu suchen.«

»Individuality means for me to have an own demanding. Do not accept standard solutions. Do not work with prepared ideas. You should know your problem well, you have to find a made-to-order solution. But it does not mean to do something extraordinary or super special.«

Still discussing ;-)

It was also interesting to talk to so many creative entrepreneurs, to get their point of view on related matters. That is after the champagne and the introductory round loosened us all up a bit. ;-) Anyway, I felt quite at home with this crowd.

Hendrik discussing some pictures with a photographer (Whose name I've forgotten, shame on me, because he's really a nice guy. Note to self, always exchange business cards.)

This last picture is actually my favorite one of the few photos I took.

*As you can see, the really cool crowd was attending. A vintage road bike belonging to one of the attendees is parked in front of the office. Vintage racing bikes are the coolest thing currently in Leipzig. And I'm certainly thinking about getting one myself. I've always wanted a racing bike.

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