Kreatives Leipzig - LE FOKUS - Gentrification

On Monday I've attended another event of Kreatives Leipzig, this time at Leipzigs Distillery. The Distillery is a club specializing on House and Techno music and is not only hosting the PRÄSENTIERTELLER event series of Kreatives Leipzig, but is also hosting a poetry slam on the first Friday of every month.

Stage(L tR): David Voss (standing), Prof. Dr. Dieter Rink, Paula Kanefendt

Monday evening however it was the LE FOKUS Series (normally hosted by the LOFFT). The topic was Gentrification and drew quite some audience.

The ultra cool ceiling at the Distillery.

It took me some time to get the right camera setting. But I guess for the first time photographing there the pics are alright. Tomorrow I'll be there earlier to get a better place to photograph.

Discussion group at the stage (LtR): David Voss, Roman Grabolle, Prof. Dr. Dieter Rink, Jens Bengelstorf, Paula Kanefendt

What is brilliant about the Kreatives Leipzig events, is that I'm always in a great mood when I leave them.

Anyway. The next event is the Präsentierteller tomorrow evening (26.04.2012, 7 PM) at the Distillery. With fresh house music, due to the presentation of a local music label. Should be fun. If you live in or near Leipzig why don't you attend?!

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