
Showing posts from January, 2012

Di Holdsworth at Penrith Regional Gallery & The Lewers Bequest

'Pygmalion', 2006, kinetic collage assemblage, 48x39x7cm Fine Arts teacher Di Holdsworth is showing in a group exhibition at the Penrith Regional Gallery & The Lewers Bequest. The exhibition runs from the 11th of February to the 27th of April. Join the artists for the opening at the Gallery on the 18th of February from 5pm-7pm. The following extract is from the PRG website. Hello Dollies presents a range of artwork by accomplished artists who, from the 1940s until the present day, have identified with the symbolic and psychological resonance of ‘the doll’. From the portrayal of personal despair to the satirical exposé of socio-political issues, the human condition is scrutinized. This exhibition’s starting point is a painting by celebrated artist Joy Hester, whose poignant depiction of Gethsemane, a doll belonging to childless art patron Sunday Reed, will underpin the exhibition’s focus on dolls as human substitutes and holders of desires, hopes, fears and fantasies....

Stunningly out of Focus

These two pictures are from Thursday, it was really cold but it felt a lot like spring and those snowdrops seemed to prove it. Two days later we've had the first snow this winter that stayed. Even today we've got the blanket of snow. I used the fantastic weather to actually get a bit of fresh air in and went for two walks. Both with exploring and photographing it was a fantastic day.

Happy Memories for Chris and Moi: 8th post - Detail of Nietzsches Church

Since Chris asked me to post a few more Leipzig photos this week because she is so homesick for Leipzig, I created this post series for her. I hope this comforts you a bit. Another shot from our trip to Röcken. This is a detail shot of one of the churches windows. As I said it was a Sunday with perfect conditions for photography.

Muffin Paper - What a Surprise

I found out this Sunday that I can actually draw. 'What's so surprising about this?', you might ask. Well, I've been told time and again that I can't draw! My parents and my art teachers back in school said so. Imagine my surprise on Sunday at my local coffee shop when I found that I could actually draw this picture of the left over muffin paper within mere 30 minutes or so. So I figure I am capable to draw whatever I want to draw. I can draw! Wohooo.

Happy Memories for Chris and Moi: 7th post - Sunset over the Markkleeberger See

Since Chris asked me to post a few more Leipzig photos this week because she is so homesick for Leipzig, I created this post series for her. I hope this comforts you a bit. The Markkleeberger See again. This time on a beautiful and calm evening in August. Chris and I just walked along the shore, talked and took pictures. Pure relaxation.

Happy Memories for Chris and Moi: 6th post - Nietzsches Backyard

Since Chris asked me to post a few more Leipzig photos this week because she is so homesick for Leipzig, I created this post series for her. I hope this comforts you a bit. Another Sunday. This time we went to Röcken, to visit the grave and memorial of Friedrich Nietzsche . It was quite interesting and we've had perfect conditions for taking a lot of pictures. This is a way to the church of Röcken and quite literally a part of Friedrich Nietzsches backyard.

FREE courses for beginning students in painting and drawing

 drawing produced in evening class, 2011 Fine Arts at NADC are pleased to offer two options for beginning students wishing to enrol in painting and drawing. This semester, we are offering a painting and drawing class, which will run on Mondays from 9am-4pm for 18 weeks, commencing February 6. The course is suitable for those seeking an introductory course in painting and drawing with a view to further study in fine arts. As well as developing foundation skills in observational painting and drawing, the course will teach various basic computer and study skills.   A course information leaflet for this enrolment (course number 10443) can be found here. If you are interested in a place, it is strongly recommended that you register for the course online.  Once registered, you will need to attend an information session on Monday January 30 at 10am in room P121 to confirm and complete your enrolment. Should you have any difficulty in registering online, please call the fin...

New entry in Rocchetta Cairo, secret library... very old documents...

3 Ottobre 1856 Nella sera del 1° anzidetto ad un ora di notte, due carrettieri reduci da Acqui carichi d’uva e riso, dei quali un certo Ramorino di Ponte d’Assio e l’altro garzone certo Matteo Gandolfo negoziante da olio in detto luogo, nel traversare il ritano denominato “della Pedanchetta” [ la Cianchetta ] a poca distanza da quest’abitato, quale era molto gonfio a causa della dirotta pioggia caduta da due giorni, trovandosi il garzone il primo a passare, il Ramorino attaccò due muli di rinforzo al carro del garzone medesimo, salendo sopra il primo ma la straordinaria forza delle acque fe sì, che nel traversarlo si staccò la ruota dalla cassa del carro ed essendo riuscito impossibile di tirarlo più fuori, il Ramorino saltò giù dal cavallo, a nuoto uscì dalle acque e si salvò, ma le onde coprendo i cavalli ed impadronendosi del servo, lo trascinarono per la corrente rovesciando carri e cavalli senza essersi più potuto trarre a salvamento cosa alcuna. 

Happy Memories for Chris and Moi: 5th post - Engineers Photographic Playground

Since Chris asked me to post a few more Leipzig photos this week because she is so homesick for Leipzig, I created this post series for her. I hope this comforts you a bit. Again one of our Sunday bike tours. Riding along one of Leipzigs many rivers we found huge water pipes and muffs waiting for the construction crew. Chris and I took the chance and took a lot of pictures.

Happy Memories for Chris and Moi: 4th post - The Crouching Photographer

Since Chris asked me to post a few more Leipzig photos this week because she is so homesick for Leipzig, I created this post series for her. I hope this comforts you a bit. I think this was in February 2010, I had just bought my Lomo Fisheye2 and learned how to use it. Chris and I went to the Markkleeberger See and there we took a lot of pictures. In this picture you can see Chris crouching to get a certain picture.

A good start to the year for Tim Allen

 Above Gorge Country (2011) : Tim Allen's work featured in the SMH, 26.1.12 It's been a great start to the year for NADC teacher Tim Allen. Tim has been teaching fine arts with us for many years, and  this year, he has just been awarded a full-time position at NADC. In other good news, Tim was also featured in the Australia Day edition of the Sydney Morning Herald in their 'Great Australian Landscape' feature. You can see Tim's work and the other featured artists here . The artists featured in the Sydney Morning Herald are all part of an exhibition currently on view until January 29 at: Tim Olsen Gallery, 63 Jersey Road, Woollahra Tuesday to Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 12pm-5pm 9327 3922 timolsengallery. Read more:

Happy Memories For Chris and moi: 3rd post - Bad Dürrenberg

Since Chris asked me to post a few more Leipzig photos this week because she is so homesick for Leipzig, I created this post series for her. I hope this comforts you a bit. For the 3rd post I chose the salt refinery in Bad Dürrenberg. I didn't know it until I went there with Chris and we've had such fun. Photographing, listening to the story of the refinery and just enjoying this very day.

Stephen Hall in the Dobell Prize for Drawing

Stephen Hall's Drawing that is currently showing in the Dobell Prize for Drawing at the Art Gallery of NSW Fine Arts teacher Stephen Hall has been selected as a finalist in the Dobell Prize for Drawing, which is currently on exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW. The Dobell Prize is one of Australia's most prestigious drawing prizes, and has a long and well-respected history. Congratulations to Stephen on his inclusion in the Prize. Stephen has also been included in the Dobell in several previous years. If you haven't had a chance to see the show yet, hurry, it closes on Feb 5, 2012. Read more on the AGNSW website here .

Happy Memories For Chris and moi: 2nd post - Vertigo inducing Windows

Since Chris asked me to post a few more Leipzig photos this week because she is so homesick for Leipzig, I created this post series for her. I hope this comforts you a bit. For the second post I chose our night photography tour. It was such fun and I learned a lot about my cameras. For these shots I wished I had a tilting display or any display at all on my F90. But I didn't so I had to contort my body into a really uncomfortable position to get these long exposure shots, for which I used a tripod.

Cath Barcan in a Suitable group exhibition

PURSUIT DELHI 2012 • INDIA ART FAIR • NEW DELHI • 25 – 29 JANUARY  Pursuit, Australia’s hottest contemporary art gallery, is now global. Riding on the coat-tails of its success at the Melbourne Art Fair in 2010, Pursuit will unveil a brand new exhibition at the India Art Fair. With one of the world’s fastest growing economies and an expanding collector base, India is a fitting location for a tailor-made collection of Australian artworks. Pursuit offers gallery visitors a unique viewing experience and takes the hassle out of buying art. Peter Burke (Director) invites you to peruse artworks by 30 of Australia’s most collectable artists inside a roaming suit jacket. This is no off-the-cuff invitation. Pursuit has a vested interest in tailoring blue chip opportunities for well-suited collectors. If you would like to make an investment, or are feeling hot under the collar please contact the Director. 

Di Holdsworth and Toni Warburton in group show

Fine Arts teachers Di Holdsworth and Toni Warburton are exhibition in a group show at Damien Minton Gallery based on the famous Australian poem 'Five Bells' by Kenneth Slessor. The exhibition, which is called 'Five Bells -An Ode to Sydney, opens at the Gallery on Saturday February 4, between 2-4pm. For more information, vuisit the Gallery's website at

Setting Sail for a new life

Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly present my brand new 360°-bag called "Paula" in the floral design. The reasons for this buy were manifold. This bag is off-white (a little ray of sunshine in the currently very dull world). It is extremely light, because it is made of sails that have already powered a ship, reusing stuff is cool. Every bag is unique because of the sails that have been used. And it has exactly the right size for me. The bags that I used before: I don't want to use my Deuter backpack anymore. Even though it's still in great condition and really practical, I just don't like to use it anymore. Since for me it belongs to my student era and it doesn't fit my new style and even more important: you can't go to the city without seeing someone having a Deuter backpack in use. For about 2 1/2 years now Deuter is everywhere. Reason enough for me to use it only for sports and grocery shopping for the weekend. After all it is a bike backpack not one fo...

Happy Memories For Chris and moi: 1st post - Lollipop Trees

Since Chris asked me to post a few more Leipzig photos this week because she is so homesick for Leipzig, I created this post series for her. I hope this comforts you a bit. This picture shows a part of Chris and my favourite bycicle round. These Sunday tours always contained the happiest moments in 2010 and 2011 for me. I would say we definitely do this when you come back to Leipzig in March, but chances are that by then I will have left Leipzig. Life is crazy.

Ruma Hort selected as a finalist for the Toni&Guy Yen Awards

Congratulations to Ruma Hort, for her inclusion as a finalist in the Toni and Guy Yen Art Awards . Ruma studied the Diploma of Fine Art with NADC in 2011, and her selected work, 'Bhangra Tango II' was part of her portfolio produced in her 2011 studies. This striking work is a digital print embroidered with horse hair. You will be able to see Ruma's work in the Trapezium Gallery in February, as she has also been selected as a finalist in our upcoming Student Acquisitive Art Prize. Congratulations Ruma! Check out more of Ruma's work here.

Late applications being considered: Info sessions for fine arts courses!

learn skills in fine arts through one of our courses at NADC It's not too late to apply for a fine art course with a few places still available in most of our courses. Information sessions are being held this week and next, or you can ring the section on ph 9208 9513 for more information if you can't make the info session, or have missed the date.    INFO SESSION DATES AND TIMES: CIII ceramics: Tuesday January 24, 10.30am, C Block, room C1.09 CIV Visual Arts : Tuesday January 24, 2pm, P Block, room P121 Diploma of Fine Arts: Wednesday January 25, 10am, P121 CI in Access to Work and Training ( painting and drawing ) Monday Jan 30, 10am P1.21 CI in Access to Work and Training ( Introductory- drawing ) Weds Feb 1, 6pm Block P, room 1.21  For a course information leaflet for all these courses, visit our course info page.

Leipzig a different point of view

Today is my Offline-Sunday. I'll enjoy it thoroughly. Hope you enjoy your Sunday too, even if your online.


The illustration workshop is fantastic, just what I needed and soooo inspiring.

Geometric landscape and Illustration Workshop

OuuUHHH, I'm so excited in a few hours I'll attend the first part of my first ever illustration workshop. Today it's a talk and tomorrow it's hands on. But first I have to get some other stuff out of the way. Tonight I'll meet with a friend for a nice little chat. And by the way I just love my new haircut. Very Aeon Flux and it is perfect for me and my hair. I LOVE IT.

Footsteps and Creative Commons License

This picture was inspired by many other pictures of many other people. I'm against piracy, but I'm for a culture of sharing. This is why I switched my copyright to a Creative Commons License. Some companies are currently trying to strangle the freedom of speech and creativity that the internet enabled. They want to go back to the dark ages when they controlled the news and the media with SOPA and PIPA and whatever they call it in your country. But you know what: I like my voice and I like to use it. So there you have it, Creative Commons for my creations.

A chance to work with master printmaker Matthew Ablitt

Six-week printmaking masterclass commences Saturday February 18, 2012. Artists with some experience in printmaking will have a opportunity to work with master printmaker Matthew Ablitt this year, by enrolling in a six-week printmaking masterclass which starts on February 18, 2012. This exciting masterclass will run for six consecutive Saturdays from 9am-3pm, and will provide an invaluable opportunity for participants to develop new work in the medium of intaglio printmaking. The Course Content This course is an exciting opportunity for artists with some experience in printmaking to work with a master printer to develop further skills and insights into intaglio and multiple plate processes. Workshops will begin with basic techniques and move to more advanced intaglio techniques. Participants will have the freedom to develop their own motifs and themes using the techniques shown. Teacher and Mentor Matthew Ablitt is an artist and master printmaker who recently move...

A no worries castle


My father at the beach of the Baltic Sea

I have my first wedding photography assignment, the wedding party of friends in June. Which provides me with several challenges. First camera wise, I'll have to buy my Canon 600D on 30th April latest, to have a full month to test and get used to it. Photography with sun and artificial light, how long does the battery last, how many memory cards will I need, etc And secondly it is a challenge dresswise. I want to wear a really beautiful dress, the challenge is to get one with enough freedom to move to do my photography. Thank you for all your nice comments to my last post

Colors are fun in the winter

Ouuuuh, it's finally getting cold in Leipzig, there might even be snow. Since there are mostly "non-colors"* to be seen outside, I crave every bit of shiny color. Even yellow roadblocks are a welcome difference to the boredom of the rest of the world. What kind of colors do you crave currently? *non-colors are "colors" like beige, camel and mudbrown and the uninspired tones of grey.

Pinewood light

As I've told you pinewoods are my happy-place and the light is fantastic there. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and a great start into the next week.

My way

This picture (without my hair ;-) symbolizes my current way of life. I now know where it is leading, since I can see a bit of the pinewood (pinewoods are my favourite woods, the light and walking in them is always amazing) on the horizon, the weather is nice, but the next stretch is beige = boring, ugh. So this is probably the reason why I stalled this last week. I know exactly what I want, where I am headed, but this next stretch of my way is just ... Well, today the sun shines, which is always something that puts me into the mood to get going and doing and making my way. Okay, I switched the music to something pushing me forward. Let's get this beige stretch get over and done with! I wish all of you a wonderful weekend, let's make the best of it.

postcard to Claudio Romeo



Have you ever had such days on which you can't fully wake up, but neither sleep to get rid of the tiredness? Yesterday was such a day for me. Even though I've been out and about, I couldn't shake off the tiredness or take a refreshing nap. Today is much better and I will use it to finally cross off a lot of items from to-do-list. One thing was good yesterday, I realized that the changes I made at the of 2011 are starting to really make a positive difference in my life. For example I finally started to write down what I spend everyday, again (I did so in university but through the past years I didn't). Which means I now know exactly where my money went. I stopped shopping groceries with my Dad, which lead to less spending and less leftover food. I've become a conscious spender, which means I think before I buy something, does it take me nearer to my goals or further away. Being a conscious spender has made probably the biggest impact, that and the fact that I now kno...

A window, a lamp with a shadow and the sky


Twilight in the city

One of my favourites. I think the light and colours are just awesome. No filters or wrong processing. I just love it.

Threshold crossed

I've been planning to make big drawings (A4, A3 and so forth) for about one year now. However while I wanted too and bought the big paper I never truly felt comfortable drawing big. I have my easel and the A2 paper for 3 months now, but I never used it. Instead I went back to smaller formats, postcards and maybe 20x20 cm. They were feeling safe and being fast. (I'm sooooo impatient.) Today I finally went into the other direction while drawing I switched from postcard size to 20x20 cm to A2 and back to 30x30 cm. And it felt great to finally draw big, like letting lose, essentially it felt like freedom. I've also decided that 2012 I will concentrate on drawing by hand. Why does this matter? Well, during the last two weeks I've stocked up on technology and frankly I was tempted to also get a graphic tablet like the Wacom Bamboo, and I started pondering the question of which graphic software I should get this year. Just a few minutes ago I realized that I was falling into m...

postcard to Elke Grundmann


Waking up

to a beautiful new week. Last week was a bit off for me due to my tooth/gums-problem, essentially I was resting because my body decided to do just that. Sometimes it is matter over mind. Anyway, I might not be fully restored but I will slowly start to travel in the direction of my goals again. This morning I reached another important milestone: 58 kg . Hah. So there we have it again, enough sleep is absolutely necessary to get rid of stored bodyfat. I wish all of you a fantastic new week.

Almost Spring

Looking to St. Thomas Church, Leipzig Surprisingly this morning I woke up to the Spring birds singing. Oh, and my gums seem to have mostly recoverd, I can bite again.



4th of January = Ouch

Yesterday was a really bad day for me. I went to my dentist 3 times, because my gums were trying to kill me. The postcard describes yesterday pretty good. Pain, sleep and Totoro. Today is a wee bit better, mainly because I now have strong enough pain meds and can watch "My neighbor Totoro" as often as I like, because I picked up the DVD on my way home from my last dentists visit. Today I went to my dentist only once and as it looks I'll do so tomorrow again. I also ordered "The Dr Who" Series 4 and 5 from the UK today, but it won't be here before the weekend. Somehow Dr. Who isn't available in Germany. Good thing that we have the European Community and therefore no customs (duty) between the countries anymore. Hehe. Tomorrow I'll try the film scan for the first time at my new scanner, hopefully it works out well. I have one film with really awesome pics left from my vacation in Austria and I really want to show them to you in good quality (without s...


The end is a new beginning, the darkness that gives birth to the light

No, I have not become religious! Instead I have come to a decision. But let me start at the beginning. Looking through a water pipe First there was nothing and then there was a big bang.... No, no, no, not that far back. ;-) It started yesterday evening when I drew Tarot cards for today. Yes, I drew more than one card, since I had a very important dentist appointment today. Almost all cards I got were "bad" cards: The Devil, The Hanged Man, etc. Naturally I wasn't happy about these cards in sight of my dentists appointment, since I didn't want to sacrifice my tooth, so I tried to cheat and drew card after card. ;-) But all I got were cards that had more or less the same meaning, pointing into the same direction, like the Devil and the Hanged Man. The Hanged Man means that there has to be a sacrifice to end a deadlock. In case of the Devil, the card description speaks from "the darkness that births the light", the reason for the chosen picture above, the card...

Happy New Year!

I wish all of you and your loved ones a fantastic new year. Let's make it an awesome year, filled with love, fun, laughter and beautiful moments abound. As you probably haven't noticed I haven't been blogging for a week. The reason? I needed time to recover and sleep and finishing up and throwing out and reminisce over and plan for and just "be" in general. So the last week was still quite full with stuff to do and I didn't get it all done, but that's just fine with me, I'll do the stuff in the upcoming weeks. Epiphanies occured more then once last week. The first I had at 0:15 AM in the tram home from work last Tuesday. Wonderful isn't it? Nothing like a tram ride at midnight for finding about more about oneself. What it was? I am now ready to finally move from being an observer to being a doer/maker/creator. I think I have been an observer for most of my life and while I knew for quite a while that I had to take things into my own hands, I wasn...